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Daycare Pricing

Service$/DayTotal $
1/2 Day (Up to 5 Hours)$27$27
Full Day$35$35
10-Pack of 1/2 Days$25$250
20-Pack of 1/2 Days$23$460
30-Pack of 1/2 Days$21$630
10-Pack of Full Days$31$310
20-Pack of Full Days$29$580
30-Pack of Full Days$27$810


Service$/DayTotal $
4 Days/Month Membership$31$124
8 Days/Month Membership$28$224
12 Days/Month Membership$26$312
16 Days/Month Membership$24$384
Unlimited 1-Dog Membership$15$450
Unlimited 2-Dog Membership$13$780
Unlimited 3+ Dog Membership$11$990

Membership Perks / Notes

  • Members receive 15% off boarding, 10% off spa/grooming and 10% off retail.
  • Monthly memberships renew on the same day each month and unused visits do not carry over. Three month minimum membership commitment.
  • Temperament Test is free but required in order to book daycare and boarding services.
  • Eligibility for our services

    At Hound HQ, we welcome all breeds of dogs. To maintain a safe environment for everyone, the following requirements must be met for daycare or overnight stays:

    • A preliminary Meet & Greet with the Hound HQ team is required for daycare and boarding.
    • Dogs must be 12 weeks or older and fully immunized.
    • Dogs aged 7 months or older must be spayed or neutered. Earlier sterilization may be requested as per our facility’s assessment.
    • Up-to-date vaccinations are essential. Owners must provide documentation of rabies, DHPP/DHLPP, and Bordetella vaccinations. Vaccinations should be administered by a veterinarian at least 48 hours (preferably seven days) prior to the dog’s arrival. More information on vaccination requirements is provided below.
    • Dogs should be in good health. Owners confirm that their dogs haven’t had a communicable illness in the past 30 days.
    • Dogs must be free from fleas, ticks, or any health condition that could affect other guests. Dogs recently recovering from an illness must have a vet’s health certificate to join or rejoin our services.
    • Dogs must be friendly and not possessive over food or toys. Owners confirm that their dogs have never shown aggressive behavior towards people or other dogs. We prioritize the well-being and safety of all guests.
    • A completed temperament test is required before boarding. We also recommend at least one day of daycare (ideally three) before boarding. This helps us understand your dog’s personality and preferences, and ensures they are comfortable in our open-play environment.

    We take great care in making your dog’s evaluation day enjoyable and exciting. It’s a chance for your pet to experience our open-play setting and perhaps find a new furry best friend!

  • Vaccination policies

    Vaccinations reduce the risk of serious illnesses. We require all dogs to be current with their vaccinations, ensuring they play with fully immunized companions. Our vaccination requirements include:

    • Rabies: Mandatory by 16 weeks, followed by a yearly booster, and then every three years. It’s a legal requirement, as rabies can be transmitted to humans. Dogs must be 12 weeks old and fully vaccinated to join Hound HQ.
    • DHPP/DHLPP: This vaccine series starts at 6–8 weeks, with boosters every three weeks, and a yearly follow-up. The vaccine is then given every three years. Annual Leptospirosis vaccination is advised due to its increasing prevalence and risk to both dogs and humans.
    • Bordetella: This should be current for all dogs, with a recommendation of every six months for social dogs. It helps control canine cough, ensuring a milder and quicker recovery for vaccinated dogs.

    The canine influenza and leptospirosis vaccines aren’t mandatory but are strongly recommended.

    Please schedule your dog’s vaccinations 7 to 10 days before they join us at Hound HQ. Consult your vet about the timing for vaccine boosters.